I do also own my own livestock, which got a little bit out of hand. I own a very nice plot of land with high fencing.



Border Leicester sheep

I also have ducks. Just to train the dogs on. Most of them are Indian Runners, other mixed meat ducks and more heavy for the dogs to work.

I have started to try to get a herd of Border Leicester sheep. I own a small flock and are breeding toward more purebred animals and trying to import some in the near future.
I also have some border Leicesters crossbred and did buy Scottish Blackface ewes in winter 2022 to cross them with the Border Leicester to get some mule sheep for the dog training.


Zwartbles sheep, who are sold again







The cattle boys

We do own cows. We had 4 boxes in 2021-2023. Then we went a winter without. Spring 2024 we did buy a pregnant mini cow. But she is more for the hobby and the kids. I also bought a beef cow again. Born at the farmer where I buy my hay. I am looking for 1 or 2 other female cows to add. So she can go to pasture with friends.


I might start teaching herding lessons again, but it depends on my health.